The Collaborative
Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.
Creating a digital moana
Aotearoa has a unique approach to hauroa (holistic health and wellbeing), which DMHAT and the Collaborative will need to reflect and respect. For New Zealanders, whose forebears were all competent navigators, the digital space can be thought of as a digital moana, or ocean upon which we all travel. The rapidly evolving digital moana provides endless possibilities for exploration, navigation and challenge. Along the way, it’s important to acknowledge our responsibility in the creation of the waka (boats, vehicles) that support whānau to embark on their journeys safely, efficiently and confidently.
About the Collaborative
The DMHAT Collaborative will bring together whānau with lived experience, clinicians and health providers, vendors, researchers, academics and agencies at all levels to contribute to, and participate in, the ongoing development of digital tool assessment, with a particular focus on the health and hauora space.
Collectively, we will need to champion an open and inclusive approach to enable all people of Aotearoa to share their unique wisdoms and knowledge in the pursuit of exceptional resources for those we love and serve.
Be part of the journey
Partnerships with whānau, the lived experience community and everyday users of digital tools should be central to all health initiatives. The more diverse voices we have involved, the more appropriate, considered and effective our approach will be.
Shape our future
The whakapapa (genealogy) of our future tupuna (ancestors) is being written by us now. We have a responsibility to future-proof their wellbeing, sovereignty, and cultural safety across the health, digital and global spaces. The tools we co-create and continue to develop now will nourish them and theirs long after we are gone.
Join the community
Join our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and partnership by growing and supporting a community that practises authentic codesign and appreciates the voices of experience as having at least equal relevance.
Evolve with us
The digital space is constantly evolving and changing. Join us on this ever-evolving journey of discovery to ensure our standards create safety, trust, quality and effectiveness for whånau, healthcare professionals, vendors and other stakeholders alike. Grow with us as we evolve together.